CSSVT – Dominique-Savio School

CSSVT – Dominique-Savio School Services to the client Preparatory studies Design Selection of exterior cladding materials Plans and specifications Call for tenders from contractors Administration and supervision of the site General coordination with various consultants Giving a second life to a building and thus ensuring its longevity. Revitalizing the facade We were mandated by the…

Montreal Port Authority (MPA)

Montreal Port Authority (MPA) Client services Preparatory studies Space design Selection of interior cladding materials 3D interior renderings Plans and specifications Integrated furniture design Calls for tenders to contractors Administration and site supervision General coordination with the various consultants A port of oceanic proportions in the heart of the North American continent.” — Port of…

Vaudreuil-Soulanges Regional Housing Office

Vaudreuil-Soulanges Regional Housing Office Client services Preparatory studies Design Selection of exterior cladding materials 3D renderings Plans and specifications Administration and supervision of construction sites General coordination with the various consultants Always serving the community by bringing life to the building. Exterior envelope The Vaudreuil-Soulanges Regional Housing Office has mandated us to repair the exterior…

Golden number in Architecture

As you already know, Stéphanie Savard is partner with Marie-Orphée Duval in the e-magazine ID Interdisciplinaire Design, an online magazine on design. In her last article, Stéphanie makes us discover what is the divine proportion or the golden rectangle. Here is an overview: Many wonder what is the golden number also called divine proportion or…

Our team is growing again

We are pleased to welcome Carol-Anne Métras, a newly graduated architectural technologist. Since February 2016, Carol-Anne has worked part-time while continuing her studies and is now on board to face new challenges within our team! See her profil in the Team section! Welcome Carol-Anne!

Our team is growing

We are pleased to welcome Patrick Landreville, an experienced architectural technologist, who recently joined our team. At SA, we have a quality team where each has a clearly defined role. Patrick will be responsible for larger projects, technical development as well as quality control. Please see his profile in the Team section. Welcome Patrick!